Monday, 15 March 2010

Where's the logic? Part 2 ..

By now, our stance on course slashes is pretty unambiguous; not welcome, utterly unacceptable, practically criminal.

This opinion is held even more tightly in line with the recent news that quality, profit making language courses, are set for the chop. Once again; where's the logic?

Worryingly, the popular Russian Undergraduate Degree, among others, has come under threat. To counter management's proposal to close the course, students and tutors fought back last week with a lively, colorful and heartfelt protest at Regents Campus.

For those of you that were not lucky enough to experience the vaudeville, demonstrators were dressed in traditional Russian clothing and teaching passers by to say hello: "Здравствуйте!"

Management have asked the department to deliver a proposal suggesting how to save Russian by March 19; what a demoralising and unneccessary request. Clearly there are a wealth of students studying the course, what more could warrant its right to exist? (Must add, Russian tutors at Westminster are truly lucid, able and quality language teachers).

A petition collated 125 signatures in an hour, a definite display of the courses popularity and a resistance to any course cuts.

What's more, tutors are planning to combat this by proposing to re- introduce beginners' Russian. Let's hope it's a winner.

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